Scott DesJarlais: ‘Radical Element’ Behind Impeachment Inquiry


Members of Tennessee’s Congressional delegation were quick to opine Tuesday on Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment inquiry of U.S. Republican President Donald Trump.

Democrats endorsed the impeachment inquiry, while Republicans vowed to support the president.

Scott DesJarlais, a Republican representing Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional District, sent out a press release Tuesday saying this is not what the American people want.

“Before and after last year’s midterm elections, a few of us predicted Democrat leadership would fall prey to their most strident members and move to impeach President Trump.  Sadly, having accomplished nothing but fruitless investigations in this Congress, Speaker Pelosi has allowed this radical element to dictate another partisan investigation,” DesJarlais said.

“An overwhelming majority of the American public rejects impeachment. However, some individuals, who still cannot accept that their candidate lost the 2016 presidential election, are pursuing a purely political agenda. Congress must reject it.”

Meanwhile, Steve Cohen, a Democrat who represents Tennessee’s Ninth Congressional District, had a different mindset.

“Today is a historic day for our nation. The President has breached his oath, violated the law and risked our national security. This week we learned that the President has abused his power and broken the law by pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political opponent. Further, he has moved to block the whistleblower report of that action being forwarded to Congress,” Cohen wrote in a statement on his website.

“These are but the latest in the long list of abuses of power by this President. As Members of Congress, we took an oath to defend the Constitution and protect our country. That includes the Congressional responsibility of oversight of the Executive which includes impeachment. We will thoroughly investigate the President’s conduct and pursue the facts. We are a nation of laws and no one is above the law.”

Jim Cooper, a Democrat representing Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional District, said on his Twitter page that he favors the impeachment inquiry.

“It’s time for the House of Representatives to begin the impeachment process against President Trump. The President’s invitation to yet another foreign power—this time Ukraine—to undermine U.S. elections requires that Congress begin the process in our Constitution to levy formal charges against him,” Cooper said.

“This is a very serious step, but the President’s continuing misconduct requires that Congress uphold our Constitution and the laws of the land. No one, not even the President, is above the law.”

But Mark Green, a Republican representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, said he will continue to stand with Trump.

“Since being sworn in to represent Tennessee’s 7th District in January, far-left Democrats have made clear that their objective is to do whatever they can to damage the President’s chances for reelection in 2020,” Green wrote in an email to his constituents.

“They clearly weren’t succeeding, so now they’re calling for an impeachment vote, on the testimony of a third party and never having seen the actual transcript referenced.  I will stand against all abuses of congressional power.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].

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2 Thoughts to “Scott DesJarlais: ‘Radical Element’ Behind Impeachment Inquiry”

  1. […] The Tennessee Star reported this week, members of Tennessee’s Congressional delegation were quick to opine on Democratic House Speaker […]

  2. William Hall

    Tn.Vote Rep. Jim Cooper out of office—he is part of the take down of AMERICA–
